Sunday, October 5, 2014


Happy October! 

I know I'm a little late, but I'm really excited about it being October. Fall has come to western North Carolina and I love being able to wear my scarves, hoodies and boots. The leaves are changing which means when I go for my long runs it's just gorgeous. We got to run the "Reynolda Mile" Saturday morning, between Reynolda House and Graylyn and the trees are so pretty. That brings me to another favorite of fall, Marathon Season! Training for my half is in full gear and I'm loving it. I'm where I should be for my target goal time too!
Because every 10 mile run needs a stop in the pumpkin patch for a team selfie right?

Besides from my long run this weekend we took Chloe to Tanglewood, a really big park here in Winston, and enjoyed the gorgeous weather.
They had a little pumpkin patch, so we snapped some pictures. 

Tonight we went over to a neighbor's for a bonfire and dinner. 
Chloe insisted on carrying the graham crackers for the smores over. 

Hope y'all are enjoying October too!! 

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