Monday, July 27, 2015

14 week baby update!

Im hoping to do pregnancy updates like last time. Even made a new sticker, so here we go....

How Far Along: 14 weeks! On to second trimester!!

Size of Baby: Baby is the size of a lemon, about 3.4 inches. 

Weight Gain: According to my doctor only 2 pounds, but it feels like more. I think it's cause I'm bloated and it's all in the front. 

Maternity Clothes: I'll confess, I started wearing maternity clothes at 7 weeks with this pregnancy! My shorts didn't fit and I already had maternity clothes. Most regular tops still fit though. 

Gender: I'm thinking boy. My symptoms have been so different than with Chloe, I would be surprised if it was a girl.

Movement: Too early, but looking forward to it.

Sleep: Fine for most part. I already can't sleep on my stomach anymore so that's hard, but adjusting to side sleeping. 

Symptoms: Headaches. For the past 3 or 4 weeks I've been struggling with bad headaches. I'm thinking I need to eat more protein, or drink more water, or it's the heat. I got sick once, but that's it. I've been having nausea in the mornings, but after about an hour of waking up it goes away. Overall. it's been a lot better than with Chloe. 

Food Cravings: Nothing really. I've been more hungry, but that's all.

What I Miss: Wine! I never thought I would say that, but I started drinking some before I got pregnant and there are some nights I would really like a glass. 

What I’m Looking Forward To: Our maternity photos! It's a few months aways, but I booked them this week and I'm excited for the photoshoot with our whole family. 

Best Moment This Week: Celebrating my friend Rebecca's upcoming baby at her shower. Nothing to do with my pregnancy, but it's so fun to see lifelong friends become mommies. Our babies will be about 3 months apart.
Of course the last two days I was actually wearing make up and looked cute I totally forgot to get a picture. Then as soon as we were going outside this evening it started to rain. So this is it for 14 weeks. First real baby bump picture, and I didn't want to not get one. I'm growing fast!

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