Monday, July 20, 2015

Baby Update!!

So today I'm 13 weeks pregnant! Officially done with the first trimester!! I really want to update this blog, like I did while I was pregnant with Chloe. I have loved going back and reading all the details about that special time and I always thought I would remember, but the reality is, if it wasn't for this blog I wouldn't. 

This pregnancy by far has been better than with Chloe. I've gotten some bad headaches, and sick once, and I'm so tired, but no constant nausea. With Chloe I remember feeling sick all the time, and I lost so much weight. With this one, I'm just tired, probably from keeping up with a very active toddler. I'm thinking its a boy because it's been so different, but ya never know!

I decided to write a separate post about how we found out, trying for this one, etc. It was in every way different than with Chloe and I'm still mulling over it all. 

All I can say is God's timing is absolutely perfect. Our lives are so different than they were 2 months ago, and I wouldn't change a thing. So look for lots more posts about baby #2!!

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