Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Job Search Reflections

I have been reflecting upon my job search journey these past couple days. It is amazing to see how God works.

I was getting so discouraged. I had asked God for a sign, to show me that I was suppose to be a teacher. I was really doubting if education was the right field for me. Why had I applied to so many jobs and nothing had come of it?

Last Wednesday night I was so upset. I had 2 bad days at work and felt I was getting nowhere. I really was starting to give up.

Then Thursday morning, within 5 minutes I got 3 phone calls from principals to set up interviews. Thursday at 4pm I interviewed at Echo Lake and then at 5pm the principal called me and said she had called my references and offered me the job. It was amazing how fast it happened.

I was also amazed at how God came through. Not that I should be, but honestly I was. In the mist of my doubt and fears God did what only He could do. I just had to wait for His timing.

I know this isn't a teaching job, which is ultimately what I want. But, I am just thankful that I am moving forward. Thankful that I have a "foot in the door" job.

I am so sure that this is the right job for me. I am sure I am suppose to be a teacher, and I am sure God has a plan for me. I am thankful that He doesn't give up on us.

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